Thursday, 21 January 2016

Radio Gaga

When you see yourself in a different light it can be quite empowering, you can really learn from it providing that you are willing to take on board both the positives and negatives. Last week I took part in a radio blog interview, my first radio experience of any kind!
The interview I was told would be held for one hour, that it would be me and the host, and in order to keep the ‘flow’ of the interview I was not allowed any pre hand knowledge of what I would be asked. Although I could anticipate what might come up, I was not near enough as prepared as I would like to have been. Listening back on the interview, sat on my sofa headphones in, I was equally unprepared for the additional grammar – from me! The “ums” and the “you knows”! I’m not even sure I remember actually speaking the words! I certainly don’t use them frequently in my day to day language (or do I?!), so I put it down to nerves. Remember, and I pointed this out in the interview itself, that Life Coaches are only human and we experience the same range of feelings as everyone else, needless to say that I was quite nervous! Yes I answered the long winded questions in full, yes I sounded as though I knew what I was talking about (or so I’m told!) in that I shared my knowledge, experience, future plans, and yes I think overall it wasn’t a bad first effort.
Sure enough I will put it in my bank of experience and keep it there, so that next time, if there is a next time, I can improve; I will know what to look out for and feel confident that I can do it better, although I’m sure I won’t come round to liking the sound of my own voice any time soon?! Am I a perfectionist, no more so than anyone else I guess, however as a professional I would like to think that I come across so, it’s also important to me that people have confidence and belief I what I am saying.

I know that despite my minor faults the interview went well enough, why then the reluctance to share it? The interview IS out there and if you look ‘not that hard enough’ I’m sure you will come across it, after all I took part with that intention. I cannot answer except to say that from this experience I recognise my flaws, this is by no means a bad thing, and I know that I would not, at least at this point in my career, make a very good radio personality! Does this make me more relatable? Perhaps? Would people see past the grammar? Perhaps? Will it affect my ability to coach people either way? No. Have I wasted my time? No. But still I do not plan to post the link today, a mistake on my part? Perhaps. I could not say for sure.

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